Pay your Annual Dues!

In order to remain an active member in the Shawnee Lodge, members must pay their dues. The 2025 dues are $12. But you can also purchase the Season pass and Thunderbird pass for $60 and $120 respectively. To find more information and to pay your dues, check on
Brotherhood Questioning

Seal your membership into the Order of the Arrow by earning your Bars. One of the requirements in earning your bars is to complete your Brotherhood Questioning, which simply involves answering several questions about the Order–its background, its mission, its principles, etc.. There are two easy steps to complete the Brotherhood Question requirement:
- Review and study the guide found below.
- When you are ready, find an officer or the Brotherhood Chairman to help you complete your Questioning.
Also, don’t forget to write your Statement of Rededication before turning in your Brotherhood card. Information on writing the statement can be found in the Brotherhood Questioning Study Guide.
NOTE: This study guide is password protected. The password is the Admonition in lower case. If you don’t know what the Admonition is, please contact an officer or adviser.