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Tony L. Arnold

Scouter Tony Arnold inspires all the Scouts in his troop and chapter to become the very best leaders they can be. He has served his district’s committee in several capacities such as finance and nominating chairman, as well as District Vice Chairman. Tony has served his chapter as a ceremonial team adviser. A Scoutmaster for many years, Tony’s leadership has breathed new life into his troop. He uses his position as Scoutmaster to encourage the youth of his troop to staff camporees and klondikes as a way to help further develop their leadership skills. For his selfless manner and drive to aid scouts, we humbly nominate Tony L. Arnold for the Vigil Honor.

Wyatt Arnold

Eagle Scout Wyatt Arnold has been one of the most active and dedicated members of his chapter since his induction. He is a hard-working member of the ceremonial teams, performing the Pre-Ordeal, Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies sometimes all in the same weekend. Wyatt aided the Lodge by performing the Brotherhood ceremony at the Order of the Arrow Summer Camp, sacrificing his time that could have been spent participating in programs. His passion for Scouting seems to never waver, and his willingness to serve his fellow Arrowmen only grows stronger. He is a bright role model for in his Chapter and continues to work in the interest of our Lodge. For these reasons, we excitedly nominate Wyatt Arnold for the Vigil Honor.

Ethan A. Bopp

Eagle Scout Ethan Bopp has been an incredible asset to his chapter, troop and our council’s camping program. A dedicated ceremonialist, he has performed countless ceremonies since his induction to the Order. Eager for more opportunities to lead in the service of others, he became his chapter’s Ceremonial Chairman, Chapter Secretary and currently serves as Chapter Chief. Ethan has served on our Council’s Summer Camp Staff, providing leadership, passion and enthusiasm for Scouting. He has given greatly of his time and has shown impressive leadership skills and dedication to the Order. For his passion for leadership in the service of others, we wholeheartedly nominate Ethan A. Bopp for the Vigil Honor.

Dale M. Christiansen

Scouter Dale Christiansen is an ardent supporter of the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program. With his support and enthusiasm for the Order of the Arrow, Dale uses his position as Scoutmaster to encourage youth members of his troop to become increasingly involved. He is currently serving his chapter as the Service Adviser, and with his assistance his chapter has seen a rebirth in their service program. Dale has been recognized with his chapter’s Arrowman of the Year Award. For his continued enthusiasm for service and his support of the Order of the Arrow, we cheerfully nominate Dale M. Christiansen for the Vigil Honor.

Dave A. DuBois

Scouter Dave Dubois has been involved with Scouting since he was a Cub Scout and became an Eagle Scout as a youth. He is involved in the council with the Catholic Committee on Scouting and his district as the Camping Chairman. He encourages Scouts to strengthen their leadership skills by getting involved in Camporees, National Youth Leadership Training, and Summer Camp staffs. Dave makes sure the Scouts have the opportunity to participate in trips to high adventure bases and specialty camps. For his dedication to Scouting and its participants, we eagerly nominate David A. Dubois for the Vigil Honor.

Griffin C. Stoeckel

Eagle Scout Griffin Stoeckel has a contagious enthusiasm for Scouting. He is very active in his troop, inspiring excitement in younger scouts. Griffin has served on many Camporee Staffs in his District and served the lodge as an Order of the Arrow coordinator while serving on camp staff. His service and excitement for the Scouting program does not only keep him involved, but encourages other Scouts to become leaders. He has served in various positions at the Chapter, Lodge and Section levels, often holding several positions at the same time. For his dedication and willingness to lead and serve, we proudly nominate Griffin C. Stoeckel for the Vigil Honor.

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