Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2022 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet on December 19, 2021. Arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among these were two of Pathfinder’s own–their Vigil Biographies are below.

DeAndre L. Westbrook III
Eagle Scout DeAndre Westbrook has served his chapter in a way few others could. After serving his chapter for years as Secretary, he led and guided the Pathfinder Chapter through COVID-19 as Chapter Chief. During his term, despite the pandemic, DeAndre went above and beyond to ensure that his chapter not only survived, but thrived. He is now the chair of the Jack J. Sophir award committee for the Pathfinder Chapter. Additionally, DeAndre has served his district camporee staff many times, returning in the fall of 2021 to serve as Campmaster. For his endless dedication to improving his chapter, we gladly nominate DeAndre L Westbrook III for the Vigil Honor.

John K. McCandliss
Scouter John McCandliss has served extraordinarily in his troop and his chapter for years. His dedication far exceeds what is required of him as a member of his Scouting community. He is currently the Advancement Chair for his troop and provides Scouts with frequent updates and detailed information on their roads to Eagle. John epitomizes the servant leadership mentality of the Order of the Arrow. For his dedicated service to generations of Scouts, we enthusiastically nominate John McCandliss for the Vigil Honor.