Shawnee Lodge Vigil Honor Candidates for 2013 were announced at the annual Lodge Winter Fellowship Banquet held in December 2012. Thirty one arrowmen were selected for their outstanding service to Scouting and the Order of the Arrow. Among those Arrowmen, Pathfinder had three members become 2013 Vigil Honor Candidates. Congratulations to Thomas Van Horn, Josh Bright, and Matt Beyes .
Matthew D. Beyes
Scouter Matt Beyes has demonstrated exemplary service to his chapter, troop, and pack. He has proven himself as an asset to his chapter by developing his chapter’s ceremonial team program. Currently acting as his chapter’s Ordeal Adviser, Matt has also served his chapter as Brotherhood Adviser the past several years. Matt has helped mentor many new Arrowmen and has helped to instill the passion which he holds for ceremonies within them. Mr. Matt is perhaps best known for his character embodied by his ever present cheerful demeanor. For his constant service to the Order of the Arrow, we wholeheartedly nominate Matthew D. Beyes for the Vigil Honor.
Joshua S. Bright
Eagle Scout Josh Bright has demonstrated true leadership to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program. He cheerfully served the lodge as Second Vice Chief and served his chapter as Second Vice Chief and Secretary. On the council level, Josh served for five years on NYLT
staff and two years as a member of the council’s camp staff. He has also served his district by staffing numerous camporees and klondikes. For his selfless model of outstanding commitment and tireless service to the Order of the Arrow and the Scouting program, we willingly nominate Joshua S. Bright for the Vigil Honor.
Thomas R. Van Horn
Eagle Scout Thomas Van Horn is an excellent example of a dedicated Arrowman. He has participated in his chapter’s ceremonial teams for three years. He served as campmaster and assistant campmaster for his district’s camporee. Thomas held the Ordeal Chairman position in his chapter, and then continued to serve as Chapter Chief. He has offered his service to his chapter on numerous service projects and has received his chapter’s Distinguished Arrowman Award. Currently serving as Lodge Corresponding Secretary, Thomas continues to show his dedication to the Order. For his unselfish contributions to the Order of the Arrow, we eagerly nominate Thomas R. Van Horn for the Vigil Honor.